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Frequently Asked Questions

Does therapy really work?



Therapy provides clients with an opportunity to understand their thoughts, behaviors and relationships more deeply. Through this understanding, people are able to make choices that feel positive and productive.


Therapy also provides a chance to release pain so that people can function at their best. Without this release, it is difficult to see ourselves clearly and also to relate to others. Therapy offers a non-judgmental perspective on interactions, history and self-perception.


Many research studies on the effectiveness of psychotherapy demonstrate that it is helpful for the vast majority of people who participate in it. For example, several studies show that psychotherapy in addition to medication is more effective than simply taking medication for the treatment of depression. Other studies show that most people are psychologically healthier at the end of therapy than those who had similar problems but did not engage in therapy.

Our therapists take a collaborative approach to treatment. Your input and goals are crucial to the therapeutic process. Throughout treatment, we will seek feedback from you as to your expectations and thoughts on your progress.


The length of time people stay in therapy varies depending on what they hope to achieve in treatment. People who come into therapy to focus on a problem that is limited in scope tend to be in treatment less time than people who have more general concerns or have had more long-standing issues.


Some therapists utilize “homework” assignments to reinforce what occurs during the therapy sessions. Our therapists may also help you examine other aspects of your life that will help support your work in therapy.



How long will I be in therapy?


Therapy is a confidential, non-judgmental, supportive setting for people to explore whatever issues feel relevant to them. The range of items dealt with in therapy is as diverse as people themselves. Often people wonder if they should deal with issues themselves or worry that no one will be able to understand what they are going through. Some people think that their problems are small in comparison to others. If you have questions about how therapy could be helpful for you, please feel free to set up an initial consultation to discuss whether therapy is something you might like to pursue.


Therapy may be helpful if:

  • You have trouble maintaining satisfying relationships

  • You have difficulty expressing your feelings or even knowing how you feel

  • You (or your child) want to learn to stand up for yourself

  • You want or need more support than is available to you

  • You feel depressed, stressed, agitated, anxious or have difficulty managing your anger

  • You are often troubled by traumatic memories

  • You are struggling with an issue and are unable to share it with those close to you

  • You have difficulty finding or keeping a satisfying job

  • You find that you manage difficult feelings or situations with food, drugs, alcohol, sex or shopping

Do I really need to be in therapy?




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